Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Forward by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. “Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg” is published by Aaron P Kohn in The Fifth.


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Reserve A Space For Spring


A rise in the variety of colours,
witnessed by our retina during this Season,
Spring is time for growth as we set our seeds into a pristine soil.
As flowers bloom and trees shadows spaces for rest,
I’d like to respond collectively to the annual call to Nature
nothing revolutionary,
only with short moments of appreciation.

As the daily amount of sunlight balances itself on the quantity of moonlight, manifesting moments of silent observation bubble like golden champagne in your heart.

For you on the other hemisphere, welcome to Fall (I am not forgetting you, and how lucky I find you).

Read on to celebrate the Spring Equinox and forget the clinical world of screens to sit back and appreciate the Spectacle of natural cycles around the Sun.

Botticelli’s Primavera

as the smog lifts and the temperatures ease our load of clothes,
a new rhythm of activities will unroll
staying in,
time within our walls now orchestrated with the sun’s longer carress over our skin
in a heart’s beat,
new rhythms are unleashed,
drinks outside, sweat around their handle,
bubbles coursing to the surface, and laughs between our teeths, wrinkles around our eyes
and our ankles springing between the puddles of April,
tulips unfolding, a month’s coral reef dispersing through our parks
the equinox is near

There is a lot of manifested love every day, in moments of stillness in your mind, if you had the time to look up, you’d see the bird, or the morning light through the blinds.

I rejoice, and prepare my psyche for this blooming.
I open doors for joy to come, unfiltered.

Learn to receive the hidden love from Nature, and give back.

Unity makes strength.
Earth is more than an ally. Our Mother to us all.
Create your own ceremony to this upcoming time of warmth.

Kind words from another soul on the theme of self-healing
with the Universe as a right hand:

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